A Garland of Lights: Baba’s Love for Taiwanis a collection of margiis’ and acharyas’ reminiscences with Baba when He visited Taiwan in August 1979. Baba stayed in Taiwan for 14 days, it was the longest period of time He spent in any country outside of India during His lifetime.
"Baba appeared very modest; there was no miracle, no occult power, but rather a boundless love and affection, and a personal touch that has lasted a lifetime. The sentiments of the Taiwanese Margiis can be summed up in a Taiwanese bhajan that margiis sang to Baba, and which He enjoyed very much:
There is One who taught me why I live.
There is One who taught me why I love.
Baba, Baba, do you know?
That One is you, my Supreme Guru.
What more is there than knowing why we live and why we love?"